Greener, pricier furniture: Formaldehyde use will be limited under a new law
Not too long ago, many mass-market furniture makers weren’t all that interested in the no-formaldehyde-added wood that Todd Vogelsinger was trying to sell them from Columbia Forest Products.
Some Chinese plywood, also used in low-priced furniture, also can contain high levels of formaldehyde to compensate for excessive moisture during production. Domestic hardwood plywood, considered to be among the highest-quality materials available to make furniture and cabinets, is dried using costlier techniques that eliminate the need for glue containing formaldehyde to bond the plies.
The new federal law is based on
Jury awards $2.4M in first Chinese drywall trial
Plasterboard Tianjian that the wallboards should not be used. Many of those details emerged in this trial after a confidential agreement between Banner and Knauf was unsealed.
“That defect was hidden, latent and undetectable,” said Ehrenreich in closing arguments. “It doesn’t rear its ugly head until sometimes years later.”
The jury found that Banner was 55 percent liable for the Seifarts’ problems and that Knauf and two related entities bore the rest of the responsibility. That could reduce the Seifarts’ ultimate payout because Knauf was not a defendant in their case, but Gonzalez said he will push to have Banner pay the full $2.4 million.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has recommended removing any tainted drywall and affected wiring, fire alarm systems and gas pipes.
Chinese Drywall Maker Reaches Settlement
This agreement is the first of around 200 lawsuits filed against Knauf for its faulty drywall, as the company races to keep the matter out of court.
As home construction surged during the boom, Knauf’s product, which is also called gypsum board, was imported and slapped into the construction of many residences across
In an average home, the estimated expense to extricate the defective drywall and cover related damage to electrical wiring and appliances is $100,000. According to the consulting firm Towers Watson, the
And this figure may stem from the number of individuals affected.
Approximately, 3,300 complaints from 37 states have been filed with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. But despite allegations implicating the company nationwide, Kerry Miller, a partner at the
“We have a lot of people calling and saying we have drywall that says “Made in
Miller added that Knauf is in negotiations with six to 10 other builders, who used the material in
If you’re contemplating the purchase of a new home built by one of these companies, find out the source of the drywall before going to contract.
Indoor air kills 2.2 million young Chinese: report
More than two million Chinese youths die each year from health problems related to indoor air pollution, with nearly half of them under five years of age, state media cited a government study as saying.
Drill Baby Drill to Spill Baby Spill
As a chemical scientist and a manufacturer of Specialty Chemicals  we are very disappointed in the dollars saving design the industry employed.
To the Great Chief in
We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of the land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on. He leaves his father’s grave, and his children’s birthright is forgotten.
The sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red man. But perhaps it is because the red man is a savage and does not understand. There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities. No place to hear the leaves of spring or the rustle of insect wings. But perhaps because I am a savage and do not understand, the clatter only seems to insult the ears.
The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind itself cleansed by a midday rain, or scented by a Pinion pine. The air is precious to the Redman. For all things share the same breath: the beasts, the trees, and the man.
The white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days, he is numb to the stench.
I have seen thousands of rotting buffaloes on the prairie left by the white man who shot them from a passing train. I am a savage and do not understand. What is man without the beasts? If all beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast happens also to the man.
This we know: The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man does not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
Our children have seen their fathers humbled in defeat. Our warriors have felt shame. It matters little where we pass the rest of our days; they are not many. A few more hours, a few more winters, and none of the children of the great tribes that once lived on this earth will remain to mourn the graves of a people once as powerful and hopeful as yours.
But even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all; we shall see. One thing we know, which the white man may one day discover: our God is the same God. You may think that you own him as you wish to own our land, but you cannot. He is the Body of man, and his compassion is equal for the red man and white. This earth is precious to him, and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its Creator.
The whites too shall pass, perhaps sooner than other tribes. Continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.
But in your perishing you may shine brightly, fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man. That destiny is a mystery for us, for we do not understand when the buffalo are slaughtered, and the wild horses tamed. Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone. And what is it to say goodbye to the swift pony and the hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival.
We might understand if we knew what it was the white man dreams, what hopes he describes to his children on long winter nights, what visions he burns into their minds, so they will wish for tomorrow. But we are savages. The white man’s dreams are hidden from us. And because they are hidden we will go our own way.
If we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it as we have cared for it. Hold in your memory the way the land is as you take it. And with all your strength, with all your might, with all your heart, preserve it for your children and love it …. as God loves us all.
One thing we know. Our God is the same God. This earth is precious to Him. Even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all.
Meth houses need to be decontaminated
Health and law enforcement officials across the country are becoming increasingly alarmed at the number of homes being sold that were once used as meth houses or laboratories. The problem developing is that former homes where meth was either used or manufactured are in fact health hazards to anyone currently residing in them due to the residual poisons that were soaked into the walls, window treatments and flooring.
Chinese drywall may drag
Chinese drywall problems in
Chinese drywall ruinous to local families
The acrid odor from behind their walls at times made them sick, and something seemed to be etching their chandeliers, piping and jewelry.
Cynthia Scott said she suffered nosebleeds while pregnant with her son, now 2, who had to be rushed to the emergency room twice during coughing fits.
Everyone in the family of five, including two older children, suffered headaches.
Then they came to suspect the cause: Chinese drywall. They had it inspected and moved out of the Brookhaven home they bought for $231,000 in 2006.
“I think I’ve cried every tear I could cry,” said Scott, a paralegal. Her husband, Jonathan, is a sales representative. “It’s been very devastating.”
Since moving from their home in December, the Scotts pay $1,200 in rent each month. For now, they’ve stopped paying their $2,200 monthly mortgage payment, which they’re trying to negotiate down.
After the housing bust, their home is valued at a little more than $128,000.
So far, the Scotts are the only confirmed case of Chinese drywall in Brevard, according to the property appraiser’s office. Several others have inquired, staff members said, but no one has applied yet for the adjustment to their taxes because of bad drywall that the appraiser offered in October.
The Scotts took the first step by signing a form declaring their intent to rebuild and reoccupy the house because of Chinese drywall. They can get the house dropped to salvage value, about $4,000 to $5,000, to save them money on taxes until the matter is resolved, Cynthia Scott said.
Why it’s a problem
As of January, the Consumer Product Safety Commission had received more than 2,800 reports from residents who suspect that their health symptoms or corrosion of metal parts in their homes are linked to drywall made in
As of Feb. 1, there were more than 660 cases from 30 counties reported to the Florida Department of Health, including the 20 in Brevard.
But the problem could be much bigger, based on the more than 400 million pounds imported into the state since 1999, said Rob Crangle, a minerals commodity specialist with the U.S. Geological Survey.
A 2,000-square-foot house uses, on average, about 16,000 pounds of drywall, so as many as 25,000 homes in
Much of the gypsum produced in the
Most gypsum imported into the
The problematic drywall is thought to trace back to a few mines in
Owners describe a “rotten egg” sulfur smell and a slew of chronic symptoms, including respiratory irritation, headaches, sinus and eye pain and nosebleeds. But almost a quarter of the homes have no odor.
It wasn’t long after the Scotts bought their home that they noticed a strong acidic smell.
“We always smelled something in the one bathroom ever since we moved into the house,” Scott said.
They had their air conditioner repaired three times in two years. The last time, a repairman found the blackened copper coils in their unit. He asked if they knew about Chinese drywall.
They found similar tainted copper piping throughout the house.
U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Rockledge, co-sponsored the Drywall Safety Act of 2009, which further researches bad drywall and extends an interim ban on importation.
“There’s so many unknowns right now that it’s hard to get your arms around it,” Posey said. “This stuff is like a time bomb. They don’t all go off at the same time.”
In December, the U.S. House passed a nonbinding resolution co-sponsored by Posey to encourage banks and mortgage service providers to delay foreclosures without penalty on payments to home mortgages.
But that’s not much solace for the Scotts. For now, it’s a sit-and-wait situation for them and thousands of others as the legal system takes over.
Bill Cash, the
The timeline and outcome are uncertain, he said, given some of the drywall companies’ ties to the Chinese government.
‘Highly Virulent’ Strain of Killer Fungus Found in Ore.
(April 22) — A potentially life-threatening new type of fungus has been discovered in
The pathogen is a strain of Cryptococcus gattii — C. gattii for short — and appears to have a death rate of around 25 percent among those infected, although researchers have only evaluated 18 human and 21 animal cases, all of which occurred between 2005 and 2009.
Their study is published in this week’s issue of PLoS Pathogens.
“Overall it’s a pretty low threat, and it’s still uncommon in the area, but as the range of the organism expands and the number of cases increases accordingly, it’s becoming more of a concern,” Edmond Byrnes III, a doctoral student in molecular genetics and microbiology at Duke, told CNN.
When the fungal spores are inhaled, they lodge in the lungs and respiratory tract. Symptoms, which can take months to appear, include a persistent cough, chest pain and difficulty breathing.
C. gattii is one species of Cryptococcus, a fungus usually associated with bird droppings. In humans, Cryptococcus neoformans infection is relatively common among HIV patients, who are therefore advised to avoid areas with lots of birds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Until 1999, C. gattii was isolated to tropical regions. Then cases began popping up in the Pacific Northwest, including an outbreak on
Experts suspect the original strain was imported via foreign plants and that this latest C. gattii mutation, described as “highly virulent,” is a new occurrence.
It’s unclear what factors might predispose a seemingly healthy person to infection. Young and old, male and female, smoker and nonsmoker — all seem to be at equal risk. And while it’s well known that C. gattii can be found in trees, it’s unknown whether an individual needs to breathe air near a tree to get sick.
“Our best guess is that it’s mostly associated with trees and soil, so certain disturbances might allow the organism to become airborne and more or less float in the area,” Byrnes said.
Person-to-person transmission doesn’t seem to be a problem. That’s good news, although experts can’t offer much advice in terms of prevention, and the study notes that treatment, which relies on anti-fungal medication, can take years.
Moreover, “physicians could potentially miss the diagnosis,” Karen Bartlett, an environmental hygienist with the University of British Columbia, told Science News, while adding that the infection is still quite rare.
A working group of doctors and public health officials has already been formed in the